Saturday, December 30, 2006

Ice Skating.

Well I just came back from ice skating along with Sean and Jessie.
But not Geoffrey.
It was fun. I guess. In a fun kind of way.
But Geoffrey never came.
Oh yeah. I forgot.
We went ice skating.

Jessie's cousin's/relatives came along, and we helped Sean get accustomed to the ice.
Up close and personal.
Anywho, that really isn't the main focus.
Huh? Nvm that was.
We really enjoyed pushing Sean down.
Sean probably didn't enjoy it. Shaaaaaaaaaaame...
My ankles feel tingly, and I think I dislocated them. What about you?
I rented size 7 skates.
Apparently my spidey senses weren't tingly enough, so I had to go back and get size 8.
We (Me and Sean) paid $10 for admission and skates, but it only costed $9.
So the dude told us he owed us $1 each.
Man, It'd be sooo funny if as we left, we walked up to him, started slapping him, screaming,
"Where's the money? Where's the money?"
Unfortunately, at the end, they couldn't pay us in cash, but they paid us in soda...
Yeah...that's what happened...

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