^ I mean, like if you don't have auto-matic pixel looking-at-and-clarifying-skills^
^Which I don't have.^
^ At all ^
Nice picture eh? I think I'll go practice by looking at some thumbnails with really small font on them...
Today, Geoffrey came over my house, and came.
A lot.
We played some generic random stuff, such as halo, star wars, halo 2...
Shut up Geoffrey.
We played halo 2, you must BELIEVE!
After a while, we decided to mess around with this slingshot I bought in China, brought to you by less-than-minimum wage workers in a 3rd world country.
Good stuff.
It worked very well, however what with the summer heet, the hershey's kisses we were shooting didn't seem to like us (they melted).
So, after some frustration from losing some random duel of "Who-can-shoot-a-hershey-kiss-farther-than-the-other-guy-pause-on-the-road," I got the sweet idea that we could mold the melted chocolate!!!!!!!!
So we molded some aluminum foil around some Lego blocks, and a British 2 and one pound coin.
Geoffrey ate his.
Unforunately, we had to clean up as we ran out of ideas of what to mold, along with the fact we/I was scared of what would happen if the little kids found a bowl of melted chocolate on some guy's driveway.
We had to shoo them away with a broom.
A small broom as they were small kids.
Today, Geoffrey came over my house, and came.
A lot.
We played some generic random stuff, such as halo, star wars, halo 2...
Shut up Geoffrey.
We played halo 2, you must BELIEVE!
After a while, we decided to mess around with this slingshot I bought in China, brought to you by less-than-minimum wage workers in a 3rd world country.
Good stuff.
It worked very well, however what with the summer heet, the hershey's kisses we were shooting didn't seem to like us (they melted).
So, after some frustration from losing some random duel of "Who-can-shoot-a-hershey-kiss-farther-than-the-other-guy-pause-on-the-road," I got the sweet idea that we could mold the melted chocolate!!!!!!!!
So we molded some aluminum foil around some Lego blocks, and a British 2 and one pound coin.
Geoffrey ate his.
Unforunately, we had to clean up as we ran out of ideas of what to mold, along with the fact we/I was scared of what would happen if the little kids found a bowl of melted chocolate on some guy's driveway.
We had to shoo them away with a broom.
A small broom as they were small kids.