EVEN if its been the most interesting.
"Psh, oh yeah, I went to china, ate some (insert exotic and sexy chinese food here) but I'll just assume everyone already knows."
Sucks because nobody knows.
And nobody cares.
Anywho, I finally take my time and energy to type up a few words for the general "crowd"/public/guy-sitting-in-front-of-his-computer-wondering-what-the-hell-I'm-doing, and basically tell a bit of what happened today.
Nothing happened.
*Gasps for breath* Whoa, that was a lot of words, Be right Back, Brownie break..
PS. I also made this frickin' sweet lego-usb/flashdrive thing, its what happens when you give a nerd the internet, a pile of little plastic blocks, a swiss army knife, and hot glue, and a flashdrive, and a pickle, which is for eating.
Picture here:
By the way, for the visually incompetent, this is a flashdrive(memorex) brutally haxed into "pieces." It had been split open, and then inserted inbetween 2 hollowed out lego blocks. It was then hot-glued into place, however a small notch was cut in the back and a drop of hot glue was inserted there to allow the light to be seen.
screw you!! u know just for that i'm gonna go make a blog post.
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