Apparently there's a new minigame, Barbarian Assault, which I have become addicted to.
The game works like this - you fight off 9 waves of monster-dudes with a team of 5 people.
The five people have different jobs to do, with ME, the healer (356 honour points, thank you very much), someone who attacks, someone who gets and shoots eggs(collector), and someone who gets to trap little dudes.
I've been playing with the same group from waves 2-9, which took about...3-4 hrs?
Well I just gave up on wave 10.
You know its really hard right?
Halfway thru wave 10 you a giant trapdoor in the middle of the cavern opens up and you get this:
Pretty cool huh?
Well its 10x bigger in the game.
Bottom line is, Its really, really hard.
I think I'll spend a few hours tomorrow doing it.
Then again I'm going over to Jessie's for t3h movie thing again.
Grudge 2 I believe.
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