Saturday, December 30, 2006

Dinner at the Cabin.

Came back from a dinner in the kitchen/quarter of the cabin which includes a table and four chairs. Nothing special for us. Maybe we're not special enough to have stools. Maybe just not awesome enough to have stool wars.
Anywho, I just ate a nice combination of pork vertebrae boiled in water, along with some noodles, and a burnt pancake with green "stuffs" inside.
Man, that was good.
(Don't ask me where we go the pig vertebrae, you wouldn't want to know.)

Lol, this cabin is very small. I think I'm sitting in the living room/cabinet/bedroom/kitchen. My sister is scratching the back of my chair right now, mumbling something about cats & dogs and teletubbie vision.
Maybe I should stop typing, my mom and dad are staring at me from the kitchen table with their little boiled pork vertebrae peices in their hands.

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