Monday, July 16, 2007


Because my family isn't that exciting or something like that, I decided to go to a sleepover at my friend's house...
Specifically Matt's.

Hi Matt!

Well anyways, we watched this youtube video over and over...
Something called "Pwned" by Duke Nukem.
Link's Here=
Well I dunno why, but he repeats the same 5 phrases over and over again, and its actually kind of funny.
Actually, it was hilarious -- We laughed our asses off.

"I've got balls of steel"
"Blow it out your ass"
"Eat shit and die"
"I'm going to rip off your head and shit down your neck"
"I'm going to kick ass and chew bubble gum -- and I'm all out of gum."

Erm, pardon the awkward sayings, but thats basically all he says.
Seriously though.
You should go watch it.
If you don't like it, sue me.
If you're going to sue me, uhh
Don't sue me please 0:)


Well now I woke up like an hour ago, and I'm at the library typing away on this compooter. Matt's getting tutored in the maths and his bro' is getting tutored by his mom.

And nothing is happening to me right now, except for the fact that I'm typing.
Here in the library.
On the compooter.

Well have a nice day -- enjoy your summer while it lasts.
Oh, and to Geoffrey + such out there, I quit RS for real.


Geoffrey said...

HOLY CRAP!!! (the quit rs thing)

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