Monday, February 26, 2007

Procrastination Domination

pro·cras·ti·nate [proh-kras-tuh-neyt, pruh-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -nat·ed, -nat·ing. –verb (used without object) defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
–verb (used with object) put off till another day or time; defer; delay.
^^Thanks to^^

What is a procrastinator?
Well, what that definition is missing is the 3rd number.
3. See Edwin

Anyways I know, I know, I'm extremely unstable when it comes to blogging.
You see, I seem to procrastinate.
A lot.
I tend to manage to procrastinate even the once though im-possible.
For example, maybe my birthday.
"Edwin, your birthday is today."
"Eh, can we do it tomorrow?"
...And so on.

Just kidding.

Even so, I have managed to procrastinate making a blog post this entire week, and then some.
In the rare instance that you actually cared about what happened this past "Edwin gone missing" week, I'll explain in brief sentences for each day.

We had a 4-day weekend, having off on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. On Wednesday, nothing really interesting happened aside from the fact it was the last day of ski club.
Pretty sweet, you may say.
Well...It was. I got to skip lesson 5 :D go me, tried out lesson 6, skipped out on it, and snowboarded down the larger hills for the rest of the hour. Fun stuff.
Nothing happened until Saturday that week, when I went to Geoff's house for a sleepover.
Now that 'tis Monday, I have finally brought up the courage to make a blog post.
In case you've been wondering (ha ha, nice one), I actually had adequate time to make a blog post, I just didn't get around to it.
Ha ha.

Now that I've got that done, I'm going to go play a bit of runescape and overall waste all of my time until it becomes night-time, which is the average time I go to sleep.