Monday, January 22, 2007

50 Posts + Ski Club

This is the 50th post!
218 unique hits, totally irrelevant.

Anywho I had just come back from ski club, maybe... and hour ago?
Anyways I had a great time, saw Josh there, snowboareded a bit with the help of our teachers.
We learned to turn,and a generic stop for really, really, tiny hills.
After the lesson we were quite great a turning, except for the occasional falling.

Anyways we got to go on the "easier" slopes um... 3 times?
Pretty sweet, anyways the first time I crashed like, 5 times.
And I like totally busted my ***...
Once I think the board dragged in the snow, and it pulled my legs with it.
Anyways the second time was a little better, I fell like 6 times BUT!
They were just mini-fallings.
Josh was pretty good, he sped down without fear, but then he fell with such extreme force,
Or crashed.
I didn't see, snow was in my eyes.
And face.
And mouth.
: )
Anyways the 3rd time I believe was probably the worst, as at the end of the hill I crashed with uber-force and I believe I busted/sprained my wrist.
Anyways it still kinda hurtszzdsajk so iSdjt not hthat eeezdy t00f ttypee..'safj
I sneads som3k iiices.

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