Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Construction Complete!

Well after a few long-ish short hours of XML coding, I've managed to finally accomplish the second full-blog renovation.
Thanks to Geoff for encouraging motivation "your duckie looks weird..."
Thanks to Image for hosting all of the images that made this possible.
Thanks to for creating the "harbour" layout which I could edit freely.
Thanks to Blogger for hosting this blog.
Oh, and thanks for Geoff for letting me secretly rip code from his blog during the course of its creation, and for the help on borders.
Specifically I ripped code about the wrappers.

Anyways this is a triumphant day.
I think I'll go eat a lollipop.
Mm... Lollipop.

In case you were wondering, most of my day was made up by the 2 hr delayed opening, and the working on this project. Perhaps some major highlights was attempting at the Rubik's Cube in Health, or at lunch.
So we're at the lunch table, Geoff hands Mike a chip, he puts it in his mouth, and pulls it back out again.
"No, seriously, what did you do to this chip?"
So he gives me a chip as well, I grab it, dunk it in the trash can, and yell, "Fire in the hole!"
Good times.


Geoffrey said...

ah that's-wait!

what the hell!?!?!??!?!

Edwin said...
